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Tai Chi and Vocal Health?

I discovered Tai Chi approximately one year ago and simply love it!   The slow fluid movements coupled with the gentle power of Tai Chi have been invigorating as well as refreshing.  The health benefits are many - from core muscle development, to greater flexibility and general well being.    

As a singer and voice teacher I could not help but notice the many similarities between basic singing principles and Tai Chi.   

  • The posture is identical - comfortably tall yet with relaxed joints...including shoulders and knees ....   
  • Relaxed diaphragmatic breathing is encouraged although this might not be recognized at the beginning levels.   
  • The movement of Tai Chi is sometimes described as the gentle fluid flowing of a river which is quite comparable to the vocal line of singing.   Some might even call it "floating."  
  • Core muscle development is a great benefit of Tai Chi which is wonderful for singers breath control and support.  With Tai Chi the body is constantly shifting from one leg to another which strengthens muscles, flexibility and reinforces  balance.   The slower the movements are the more challenging it becomes because of muscle strengthening and control.  The kicks we utilize, based upon our comfort level, are great for cardio exercise and core muscle development.    The movements can of course be done quickly as Tai Chi is considered one of the soft martial arts. 
  • Tai Chi and singing both encourage being in the present moment along with general well being. 

I assumed we would learn the Yang Tai Chi form but we also do short Chen along with single and double fan routines.  When our teacher Sue Michelson mentioned we would have the opportunity to learn sword routines I was more than a  little leary - I was sure I wouldn't enjoy that.  I was quite surprised to discover I loved using the swords!   Who would have thought?  

For any local "Rockfordians" our teacher, Sue Michaelsen has and continues to be trained under Master Helen Wu and teaches her family lineage of Tai Chi.      

Here is a link to a short video of  Master Helen Wu on the TV series Highlander, The Raven, season 1, Episode 12 teaching the flying rainbow fan.


Kathy Schweiger